hombre tocando una guitarra acústica para acompañar una petenera
May 4, 2023

Petenera or peteneras: origin and meaning

The petenera is one of the most enigmatic flamenco songs. A genre shrouded in myth, mystery and legend whose origin is still quite uncertain. This song has always had a close relationship with superstition, as it was said to bring bad luck to all those who performed it (as is the case with the alboreá, a gypsy wedding song). For this reason, many Calés singers avoided not only singing it, but also hearing it.

This is one of one of the most sentimental flamenco palosformed by sad and melancholic stanzaswhich is almost always interpreted slowly. But also one of the oldest, being one of the most practiced after the classic seguiriyas.

But does the expression “salir por peteneras” have anything to do with this genre? “salir por peteneras” and its meaning?? Today, we tell you what peteneras are and how this expression that we currently use in our daily lives originated.

What are peteneras?

The peteneras of flamenco is a palo characterized by having a meter of four octosyllabic verses that, when sung, usually become six by repeating one and adding another after the group.

Its beats are regulated by the measures of 6/8 and 3/4, placing their strong accents as follows: 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2.

What is the origin of the petenera?

The petenera is a genre that existed before it was adapted to flamenco. According to some experts, they have a certain relationship with the zarabandas and it is believed that its name comes from the singer known as “La Petenera”. “La Petenera”, born in Paterna de la Rivera, who lived in the 18th century.

However, there is no theory accepted by all flamenco researchers as to its origin. There are those who think that it originated in the American continent, where there is also another genus known by this name in the area of Veracruz (Mexico), while others claim that it is a genus born in Spain. a genre born in Spain.

At that time it was thought that the peteneras were of Sephardic origin due to the various references to this culture in several of the lyrics. However, the most solid theory is the one that has its roots in Veracruz, since its melodies and harmony are very similar to those of the current peteneras.

In any case, what is certain is that the petenera is, at present, one of the most popular flamenco palos. It is a very romantic and emotional cante, with a special emphasis on love and revenge. And, although its origin is not entirely clear, the truth is that it has often been related to bad luck.

Where does the expression “going off the deep end” come from?

The expression to go or to go off on a wild goose chasehas an unknown origin. It is used as a set phrase when someone we are talking to changes the subject of the conversation in order not to answer or not to talk about something that does not interest them. According to the RAE, “To do or say something out of purpose”, i.e., to do or say something that has nothing to do with what is being talked about or dealt withor in a broader sense, “to give an evasive answer, especially when one finds such an evasive way of answering irritating, snubbing or criticizing”.

For example, we can go off on a wild goose chase:

  • When we return from a place we don’t want anyone to know about and they ask us about it, we answer with a terse “I’ve been there, I don’t know”.
  • Or when someone asks us to talk about something we don’t quite know and we don’t want to look bad in front of the others. Then, we go about telling what we think in as much detail as we are able to remember.
  • Or when someone has promised something and ends up dragging their feet, alluding to a number of reasons for not delivering what they promised.

This type of reaction is common, for example, in the political arena. political arena, when our rulers try to evade questions that put them in a bind, embellishing them with all sorts of frills in an attempt to make themselves look good, when in fact the answer often has nothing to do with it. In the end, what is done is to answer without going to the heart of the matter, going off on a tangent to try to divert attention.

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